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Will straw mulch attract mice and other rodents?

Yes, mice feel at home in straw mulch
No, straw mulch will not attract mice and other rodents
Not sure
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Question: Will straw mulch attract mice and other rodents?
Top Answer (51% of 39 votes): Yes, mice feel at home in straw mulch.

Answer: No, straw mulch will not attract mice and other rodents
Explanation: Na
Rosas lawn service
Answer: Yes, mice feel at home in straw mulch
Explanation: They feel at home when it's wet and damp
Midwest four seasons landscaping
Answer: Yes, mice feel at home in straw mulch
Explanation: Mice will use the straw to make there homes or bedding.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: Yes, mice feel at home in straw mulch
Explanation: Yes it attracts them
Roop's Lawn Services, LLC
Answer: Yes, mice feel at home in straw mulch
Explanation: More prone to bud nests
Rick and Rondas Landscapes
Answer: Yes, mice feel at home in straw mulch
Explanation: Yes. Rodents like to nest.
DG Lawnscaping
Answer: No, straw mulch will not attract mice and other rodents
Explanation: We have never had an incident when straw mulch attracted any kind of rodents.
TeamWorx Property Services
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