Woodsboro Mulch Costs & Prices
Woodsboro, Maryland. The Woodsboro Mulch Cost Report is a concise report on everything you need to know about the cost of mulch in the Woodsboro area.
Average Mulch Cost in Woodsboro
We have done a little research to find the average cost of mulch in Woodsboro. Here are the average costs and prices reported back to us:
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Woodsboro Mulch Cost Data
Professionals in the Woodsboro area have provided information about how much mulch cost(s). Here are some of the individual reports:
21798, Woodsboro, Maryland - January 12, 2021
Wood Mulch Delivery$40.00 to $50.00 per cubic yard (material and local delivery) $30.00 to $32.00 per cubic yard (material only) $35.00 to $55.00 per cubic yard (material, delivery, and spreading) Invoice
Reported by: Robert Toms, RT Landscaping |
21702, Frederick, Maryland - April 9, 2021
Wood Mulch Delivery$50.00 to $75.00 per cubic yard (material and local delivery) Mulch pricing/estimates will be done if service is needed. Mulch jobs range from $150 - 300 depending on amount of Mulch used, and work hours.
Reported by: Caleb Dillman, Dillman Lawn Maintenance |
20814, Bethesda, Maryland - September 20, 2019
Pine Straw Delivery$7.19 - $7.87 per bale (material and local delivery) Includes pricing for pine straw delivery service. Cost takes into account local delivery, spreading, and basic cleanup (minimum order may apply). Excludes longleaf needles, site preparation, pulling weeds, and discounts for buying in bulk.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
21701, Frederick, Maryland - September 20, 2019
Pine Straw Delivery$7.19 - $7.87 per bale (material and local delivery) This estimated price includes pine straw delivery labor. Cost accounts for local delivery and spreading slash pine straw. Does not include premium varieties, bulk discounts, weeding, and additional landscaping services.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
22101, McLean, Virginia - September 20, 2019
Pine Straw Delivery$8.17 - $8.94 per bale (material and local delivery) Cost includes labor for pine straw delivery service. Also includes local delivery, spreading, and basic cleanup (minimum order may apply). Items not included: longleaf needles, site preparation, pulling weeds, and discounts for buying in bulk.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20090, Washington, District of Columbia - September 20, 2019
Pine Straw Delivery$7.72 - $8.45 per bale (material and local delivery) Estimated quote includes pine straw delivery service. Also includes local delivery, spreading, and basic cleanup (minimum order may apply). Cost does not take into account longleaf needles, site preparation, pulling weeds, and discounts for buying in bulk.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
22314, Alexandria, Virginia - September 20, 2019
Pine Straw Delivery$7.77 - $8.50 per bale (material and local delivery) Includes the cost of pine straw delivery service labor. Price accounts for local delivery, spreading, and basic cleanup (minimum order may apply). Items excluded: longleaf needles, site preparation, pulling weeds, and discounts for buying in bulk.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20877, Gaithersburg, Maryland - September 20, 2019
Pine Straw Delivery$7.19 - $7.87 per bale (material and local delivery) Estimate for pine straw delivery is included. No additional charge for local delivery and spreading slash pine straw. Cost does not take into account premium varieties, bulk discounts, weeding, and additional landscaping services.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
22314, Alexandria, Virginia - August 13, 2018
Wood Mulch Delivery$98.70 - $119.85 per cubic yard (material, delivery, and spreading) Includes mulch spreading labor cost. There is no additional charge for material delivery and cleanup. Additional cost for fabric underlayment, creating beds and pulling weeds.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20877, Gaithersburg, Maryland - August 13, 2018
Wood Mulch Delivery$91.35 - $110.92 per cubic yard (material, delivery, and spreading) Price takes into account labor. It also includes mulch material, delivery, and cleaning up. Does not include laying fabric, forming beds and weeding.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
22101, McLean, Virginia - August 13, 2018
Wood Mulch Delivery$103.74 - $125.97 per cubic yard (material, delivery, and spreading) This quote takes into account the cost of mulch spreading. It includes material delivery and cleanup. Price excludes fabric underlayment, creating beds and pulling weeds.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20090, Washington, District of Columbia - August 13, 2018
Wood Mulch Delivery$98.07 - $119.09 per cubic yard (material, delivery, and spreading) This mulch spreading price quote presumes typical conditions. No additional charge for material delivery and cleanup. Cost excludes fabric underlayment, creating beds and pulling weeds.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
21701, Frederick, Maryland - August 13, 2018
Wood Mulch Delivery$91.35 - $110.92 per cubic yard (material, delivery, and spreading) Price of mulch spreading is included. It also accounts for the cost of mulch material, delivery, and cleaning up. Cost excludes laying fabric, forming beds and weeding.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20814, Bethesda, Maryland - August 13, 2018
Wood Mulch Delivery$91.35 - $110.92 per cubic yard (material, delivery, and spreading) Manhours for mulch spreading are included in cost. Estimate includes mulch, delivery and cleanup. Items excluded: laying fabric, forming beds and weeding.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
Woodsboro Mulching Service
Dillman Lawn Maintenance 8105 Clearfield road frederick maryland, Frederick, MD 240-566-6508
Bernales Landscaping Services LLC801 W Church Road, Sterling, VA 703-855-5405
OSCAR LAWNCARE SERVICE, INC Capitol Heights, MD 202-288-6579 or 301- 433- 5313