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Is it necessary to water mulch after it has been spread?

Yes, mulch needs to be watered.
No, mulch does not need to be watered.
It depends on the type of mulch
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Question: Is it necessary to water mulch after it has been spread?
Top Answer (68% of 45 votes): No, mulch does not need to be watered..

Answer: Yes, mulch needs to be watered.
Explanation: It would help to settle it in place
Midwest four seasons landscaping
Answer: No, mulch does not need to be watered.
Explanation: Mulch does not need water.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: No, mulch does not need to be watered.
Explanation: We have never watered mulch
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: It depends on the type of mulch
Explanation: Mulch looks much better wet. It also cab become hot especially if its colored. Watering may help keep plants cool and moist on a hot day.
Clean Up LLC - Landscaping & Lawn Care Service
Answer: Yes, mulch needs to be watered.
Explanation: In my experience you water after mulch been applied to help the mulch set so it doest blow around or wash away.
Rick and Rondas Landscapes
Answer: It depends on the type of mulch
Explanation: It would depend on the type of mulch and the purpose. In a garden yes it would. On a playground no it would not.
DG Lawnscaping
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