Which lasts longer, shredded bark mulch or chip bark mulch? | Shredded bark mulch will last longer | 20% | Chip bark mulch will last longer | 53% | It depends | 16% | Not sure | 9% | | | Question: Which lasts longer, shredded bark mulch or chip bark mulch? Top Answer (53% of 43 votes): Chip bark mulch will last longer.
Answer: Chip bark mulch will last longer Explanation: Shredded mulch sometimes wash away with rain or blows away and high winds and have to be replaced | Midwest four seasons landscaping | Answer: Chip bark mulch will last longer Explanation: Shredded mulch or that is like fiber chips are larger peaces of wood therefor chips will not brake down as quick. The truth is mulch will fade in color side by side they will last the same. | B- Sharp Property Maintenance | Answer: Not sure Explanation: Both are wood | Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping | | ProMatcher | Answer: Chip bark mulch will last longer Explanation: Shredded mulch decomposes quickly due to its fine grade. Chip bark retains its size and last much longer. | Clean Up LLC - Landscaping & Lawn Care Service | Answer: Shredded bark mulch will last longer Explanation: Bigger chunks tend to loose color. | Rick and Rondas Landscapes | Answer: Chip bark mulch will last longer Explanation: Hardwood chip bark will last the longest. | DG Lawnscaping | | ProMatcher |