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What is the most common way to charge for mulching services?

Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost)
Hourly rate (plus material cost)
Not sure / other
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Question: What is the most common way to charge for mulching services?
Top Answer (74% of 58 votes): Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost).

Related: How to Price Mulching Jobs to Win the Job

Answer: Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost)
Explanation: Usually get a measurement then calculate number of cubic yards. And then the estimate
INSURED!!!!Tcb Services and property management
Answer: Hourly rate (plus material cost)
Explanation: 55$ to 90$
Rosas lawn service
Answer: Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost)
Explanation: We typically charge the cost of materials is also cost of labor.
Murphy's Lawn Care
Answer: Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost)
Explanation: We use a mulch blower and have been installing mulch for the last several years for a flat rate 55.00 per yard. It includes a premium brown mulch, labor and clean up.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: Not sure / other
Explanation: We charge a flat rate of X dollar amount per cubic foot of mulch which includes the material as well as the labor.
Green Top Lawn Care
Answer: Hourly rate (plus material cost)
Explanation: I typically charge by the cubic yards, but I believe an hourly rate would be the best answer in this scenario.
Valleys And Peaks Landscaping, LLC
Answer: Hourly rate (plus material cost)
Explanation: Its an hourly rate plus cost of materials
Roop's Lawn Services, LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost)
Explanation: Charge by amount of mulch and size of area.
Clean Up LLC - Landscaping & Lawn Care Service
Answer: Hourly rate (plus material cost)
Explanation: Man hour can be cost effive.
Rick and Rondas Landscapes
Answer: Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost)
Explanation: Typically the cost is per yard.
Englert Landscaping Services, LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost)
Explanation: We usually charge by the cubic yard.
Dawson Landscape Group LLC.
Answer: Flat fee (based on number of hours and material cost)
Explanation: We develop our mulch delivery & installation pricing based on the local pricing for mulch. Cypress Grade A mulch currently runs about $4.00-$4.25 per 2 cu. ft. bag installed.
TeamWorx Property Services
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