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When should I spread mulch?

Early spring
Late spring
Early summer
Early fall
Late fall
It does not matter
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Question: When should I spread mulch?
Top Answer (41% of 51 votes): Early spring.

Answer: Early spring
Explanation: It doesn't really matter, but I prefer to do it early in, before mowing season begins.
LRM Lawn Service
Answer: It does not matter
Explanation: Spring or fall, but really doesn't matter.
INSURED!!!!Tcb Services and property management
Answer: Early spring
Explanation: Early spring to late summer
Oliver’s Landscaping Corporation
Answer: Late spring
Explanation: Everyone has their own opinion on when they like the mulch to be done. I always like to get the mulch done right after spring clean up and there is no more snow in the forecast. Although much can be spread all year and at anytime!
B&M Lawn Services LLC
Answer: It does not matter
Explanation: We have been installing mulch since 1990 there is no wrong time to install mulch we have even put it down as late as December.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: Late spring
Explanation: Anytime
S&M Landscaping
Answer: It does not matter
Explanation: Mulch can be spread anytime of the year.
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: Early spring
Explanation: Usually early spring or early fall
Roop's Lawn Services, LLC
Answer: Early summer
Explanation: It helps tame down weeds
Rick and Rondas Landscapes
Answer: Early spring
Explanation: Late winter or early spring after all the leaves have been cleaned up.
Dawson Landscape Group LLC.
Answer: Late spring
Explanation: Plan to add mulch in late April. Mulch slows down soil warming so don't apply it before you have had some warm weather. Also, you need to wait until all your perennials have emerged so you don't bury them. Mulch serves 5 purposes. It helps the soil retain moisture and remain cooler in hot weather, it breaks down over the season and feeds your soil, it helps prevent weeds, and it looks uniform and neat
Answer: Early fall
Explanation: In our state of Florida, we have the pleasure of almost year round landscape plantings. Due to the influx of seasonal residents here, many of our customers prefer to install mulch in the Fall months. Florida trees and shrubs here can benefit from a fall installation as it promotes Fall manufacturing of leaves on trees and shrubs (more water to plants) so they can flourish during the Fall/Winter season. Certain of our plants (trees, shrubs, perennials) do rely on a Spring florish as they would up north. However, some of our plants also benefit from a Fall flourish as well. Fall mulching helps these plants receive water that they might not get should Fall rains be minimal. The mulch holds water and releases it to the plants to assist in nourishment they need during periods of drowth/lesser rain.
TeamWorx Property Services
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